1. We have a large workforce deployed across workplaces and client premises, consequently we may be exposed to service-related claims and losses or employee disruptions that could have an adverse effect on our reputation, business, results of operations and financial condition.
2. Our businesses are manpower intensive and our inability to attract and retain skilled manpower could have an adverse impact on our growth, business and financial condition.
3. Operational risks are present in our business as it includes providing services in different business environments. A failure to manage such risks including any errors, defects or disruption in our service or inability to meet expected or agreed service standards, could have an adverse impact on our business, cash flows, results of operations and financial condition.
4. Our business revenue from operations is concentrated in a few segments.
5. We rely on our top 10 clients for majority of our revenue. Any loss of such clients or a significant reduction in purchase by such clients may impact our business and financials.
6. If we fail to qualify for or win new contracts for toll plaza management and skill development segments our business, financial condition, results of operations, prospects and cash flows could be adversely affected.
7. Our business significantly depends on projects awarded by government or government-owned clients, which subjects us to a variety of risks. In case of any change in government policy, budget or criteria, it may impact the availability of such projects and affect our business operations.
8. There are pending litigations against our Company. Any adverse decision in such proceedings may render us/them liable to liabilities/penalties and may adversely affect our business, results of operations and financial condition.
9. Our business could be adversely affected if our clients fail to renew their contracts with us or we fail to acquire new clients.
10. We have filed applications for compounding for non-compliance with certain provisions. Consequently, we may be subject to adverse regulatory actions and penalties for any past or future non-compliance and our business, financial condition and reputation may be adversely affected.