Ever found a great opportunity to make money by buying stocks but didn't have enough cash? Imagine if you could still make that investment even with limited funds. That's where our Margin Trading Facility (MTF) comes in. In order to invest, let's understand the meaning of MTF and how it works. Read More...
MTF lets you buy stocks by paying only a small part of the total value, and Bajaj Broking covers the rest. It's like borrowing money from us to make the investment. With MTF, you can make trades worth up to 5 times more than your buying power. Let's say you want to buy shares, but you only have a little money. Using the Margin Trade Facility, we provide you extra funds so you can buy the shares you want. You pay back the borrowed money later with a small interest fee. It's like getting a boost to make bigger investments, even if you don't have all the cash upfront. Read Less