How to Do Bank NIFTY Intraday Option Trading?

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Option Trading in Bank NIFTY is getting increasingly popular amongst intraday traders. Intraday traders are always looking for new opportunities in the market to trade in. Option Trading in Bank NIFTY index provides a unique set of conditions that are attractive to an intraday trader. This article will help you understand the factors associated with bank nifty intraday options trading and how it works.

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Intraday Trading

Intraday trading is a popular form of trading that involves buying and selling shares on the same day and aiming to profit from the slightest price movements, upwards or downwards. Intraday traders use leverage, which allows them to invest more than their available capital and thus increase their chances of higher returns. It is also known as day trading due to the time horizon of the trade. It involves understanding charts and share price patterns and making educated speculations on future price movements.

Options Trading

Options trading is a form of derivative trading. Options are contracts that give a trader the right to buy or sell a stock on or before a specific date. As the name suggests, it is an option and not an obligation. It means that if an options trader does not want to exercise the right to buy or sell the stock, they have the option of not doing so.


To understand what bank nifty is, understanding the concept is crucial. Bank NIFTY is an index that represents 12 bank stocks that are liquid and adequately capitalized. It provides investors and market intermediaries a benchmark that captures the capital market performance of the Indian banks. The index comprises 12 companies listed on the NSE. The bank NIFTY index is almost a reflection of the health of the most prominent banks in India and helps to gauge the banking sector's performance.

Key Factors for Bank NIFTY Intraday Trading

Bank NIFTY intraday trading requires careful consideration of several key factors. To understand how to trade in bank nifty you need to first understand the market sentiment and news related to the banking sector significantly impact Bank NIFTY movements. Traders should stay updated with financial news and RBI announcements. Secondly, technical analysis tools like moving averages, RSI, and MACD help identify potential entry and exit points. Volatility is another critical factor; Bank NIFTY tends to exhibit high volatility, making it suitable for intraday strategies. Additionally, monitoring global markets and economic indicators can provide insights into potential market movements, aiding in making informed trading decisions and enabling you to master the art of how to invest in bank nifty. 

Bank Nifty Option Strategy

Trading Bank Nifty options requires a well-defined strategy to maximize profits and minimize risks. Here are some effective strategies that will enhance your understanding of how to trade in bank nifty: 

Long Call Option Strategy


A long call option strategy involves buying call options, anticipating a rise in the Bank Nifty index. This strategy allows traders to benefit from upward price movements while limiting potential losses to the premium paid for the options.

Short Call Option Strategy


The short call option strategy involves selling call options when the trader expects the Bank Nifty index to decline or remain neutral. The objective is to earn the premium received from selling the options, with the risk of potential losses if the index rises significantly.

Long Put Option Strategy

A long-put option strategy entails buying put options, expecting a decline in the Bank Nifty index. This strategy provides a hedge against falling markets, allowing traders to profit from downward movements while capping losses to the premium paid.

Short Put Option Strategy


In a short put option strategy, traders sell put options, betting that the Bank Nifty index will rise or stay flat. The goal is to earn the premium, but the risk involves potential losses if the index falls substantially.

Bull Call Spread Option Strategy


The bull call spread strategy involves buying a call option at a lower strike price and simultaneously selling another call option at a higher strike price. This strategy limits potential profits but also reduces the cost of the trade, making it suitable for moderately bullish market conditions.

Bear Call Spread Option Strategy


The bear call spread strategy entails selling a call option at a lower strike price and buying another call option at a higher strike price. This approach is used when expecting a decline or limited upside in the Bank Nifty index, offering limited risk and reward.


What is NIFTY?

NIFTY is a popular term associated with the Indian stock market. NIFTY is an index of 50 different stocks spread across diverse sectors of the economy. It is an index introduced by the National Stock Exchange or NSE. The word “NIFTY” is derived from two words, National Stock Exchange and Fifty. The NIFTY index represents the most traded stocks on the exchange.

NIFTY also acts as a benchmark to gauge the overall performance of the market. Thus, several stock baskets, mutual funds, and thematic investment options use NIFTY as a benchmark for their performance. The value of this index is calculated based on the weightage of each stock in this index. Each stock has a different weightage, and they comprise a cumulative value for the index. The weightage is distributed based on the market cap of each stock.

NIFTY is not only an index but also available as a contract for derivative trading. Exchanges offer NIFTY future and options contracts whose actual value is derived from the underlying NIFTY index value- and traders can trade in these contracts.

How to Invest in Nifty?

Investing in NIFTY simply means investing in the stocks that comprise the Nifty index. There are various ways an investor or trader can invest in Nifty.

  • Spot Trading/Delivery Trading - Spot trading is the simplest form of trading. Spot trading in Nifty means buying one or more stocks from the 50 Nifty stocks. You buy a stock at a certain price and sell it after the price has moved up to generate returns from the spot market. This is the same as buying any stock in the stock market. It is exactly what investors do.
  • Derivatives Trading - Derivatives trading is a form of trading where the value of the derivative is derived from an underlying asset. Thus, the name is derivative. In derivative trading, a trader speculates that a certain asset’s price may rise or fall depending on the market factors influencing its price. Thus, they buy a contract that allows them the right to buy or sell the asset at a future date at a previously agreed price. Exchanges also give you an option to trade on Nifty derivative contracts. It is further categorised into two parts.
    1. NIFTY Futures Trading - It is a form of derivative trading where a buyer and seller agree to buy or sell the contract on a previously agreed upon date and price. Here the buyer or the seller is compelled to exercise the contract at the end of the expiration date.
    2. NIFTY Options Trading - In a NIFTY options contract, buyers and sellers agree to purchase or sell the Nifty contract at an agreed price on a future date. Here, the option buyers are not compelled to exercise their right of buying and selling. If they do not want to exercise their right, they can choose not to.
  • Index Funds - Index funds are one form of mutual funds. It is a fund that invests across diverse sectors, making a balanced portfolio for you. Index funds actively invest in the Nifty index along with other indices in the market. Nifty is an overall market health indicator and thus it is getting increasingly popular among investors. Investors looking to capitalize on the growth potential of Nifty can choose to invest through index funds.

How to Trade in NIFTY

Bank NIFTY option trading involves opening a position and closing it by the end of the day. Intraday traders look for various attributes while selecting an index or stock for intraday trading. Two of the most important aspects they look for are trading volume and volatility. Thankfully, for intraday traders, bank nifty is rich with both these properties. Thus, giving good trading opportunities to intraday traders. Let us understand these factors to understand how this works.

Volume :Volume in simple terms is the number of times a stock has been traded in specified time duration. A higher volume means that there are a greater number of buy and sell orders, meaning a high liquidity. For an intraday trader, volume is a very important factor. This allows them to execute a buy or sell order at any moment. Volume data also indicates the popularity of the share or index in the market. Nifty stocks have high volume as they have established years of credibility with their performance and reputation. This is more of a reason why intraday traders trade on bank nifty intraday options trading.

Volatility :Volatility is nothing but the price fluctuations of a share. Traders do not want to trade on a stock that hardly moves throughout the day. Volatility gives them the desired fluctuations they are looking for. As the options market is volatile and the price fluctuations are frequent, intraday traders see this as an opportunity. The price changes in the options market are faster than those in the spot market, allowing traders to use volatility to their advantage. Bank Nifty is known for high volatility, making it ideal for intraday option traders. Download the Bajaj Broking app to capitalize on these market opportunities.

Option Trading in Bank NIFTY is one of the most traded financial instruments in the market. You can open a free Demat & Trading account with Bajaj Broking and trade in Bank nifty intraday at low brokerage rates. Visit the link to open your account.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can options be traded intraday?

Answer Field

Yes, options can be traded intraday. Intraday options trading involves buying and selling options within the same trading day to capitalize on short-term price movements. This strategy requires quick decision-making and a good understanding of market trends.

What are the option strategies for intraday?

Answer Field

Common intraday option strategies include scalping, straddle, strangle, and spread strategies like bull call spread and bear put spread. These strategies aim to profit from short-term volatility and price movements in the market.

Is intraday option buying profitable?

Answer Field

Intraday option buying can be profitable if executed with proper analysis and risk management. It allows traders to leverage small price movements, but the high volatility and time decay of options can also lead to significant losses if not managed carefully.

How to trade NIFTY options intraday?

Answer Field

To trade NIFTY options intraday, follow these steps: conduct thorough technical analysis, set clear entry, and exit points, use stop-loss orders to manage risk, and stay updated with market news. Utilize strategies like scalping or spreads to maximize profits and minimize risks.

Can I sell Bank Nifty options on the same day?

Answer Field

Yes, you can sell Bank Nifty options on the same day. Intraday trading allows you to open and close positions within the same trading session, enabling you to take advantage of short-term price movements and market volatility.

Why is the Bank Nifty the best for options trading?

Answer Field

Bank Nifty is considered one of the best indices for options trading due to its high liquidity, volatility, and significant price movements. These characteristics offer ample trading opportunities and the potential for substantial profits in a short time frame.

Which is the best strategy for intraday trading?

Answer Field

The best strategy for intraday trading depends on market conditions and individual risk tolerance. Common effective strategies include scalping, using moving averages, and employing spread strategies like bull call or bear put spreads to manage risk and reward.

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