What is a Callable Bond?

Callable bonds are a type of bond that provides the issuer with the option to redeem the bond before its maturity date. This means that the issuer has the right to call back the bond and pay back the principal to the investor before the bond's scheduled maturity date. Callable bonds are also known as redeemable bonds or simply call bond because they can be redeemed by the issuer at their discretion.

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Types of Callable Bond

Redeemable debt is also called callable bonds. This has several types including American Callable Bonds, European Callable Bonds, and Bermudan Callable Bonds. American callable bonds allow the issuer to call back the bond at any time, while European callable bonds can only be called back at a specific date. Bermudan callable bonds are somewhere in between, allowing the issuer to call back the bond on specific dates.

How does interest rate affect callable bond?

Interest rates can have a significant impact on callable bonds. When interest rates fall, the issuer is more likely to call back the bond and issue new bonds at a lower interest rate. This can be disadvantageous to the investor because they may lose out on higher interest rates. On the other hand, when interest rates rise, the issuer is less likely to call back the bond, which means that the investor can continue to earn a higher interest rate.

How to Invest in Callable Bond?

Investing in callable bonds can be done through a broker or a financial institution that offers bond trading services. Investors can also purchase callable bonds through a bond mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that focuses on bonds.

How to Calculate Price of a Callable Bond?

The price of a callable bond can be calculated using the present value of its future cash flows, discounted at the current interest rate. However, because callable bonds can be called back by the issuer, they have a call feature that affects their price. The call feature gives the issuer the option to call back the bond before its maturity date, which means that the bond's cash flows will not be paid out in full. This makes it difficult to accurately calculate the price of a callable bond.

Example of Callable Bond

Let's say an investor purchases a call bond with a face value of Rs 1,000 and a coupon rate of 5%. The bond is callable after three years at a call price of Rs 1,050. If interest rates fall to 3%, the issuer may choose to call back the bond and issue a new bond at a lower interest rate. This means that the investor will receive Rs 1,050, which is less than the full face value of the bond.

Pros and Cons of investing money in callable bonds


Callable bonds can offer some benefits for investors, including:

  • Flexibility for issuers: Callable bonds give issuers the flexibility to redeem the bond if interest rates fall, allowing them to refinance their debt at a lower cost. This can lead to cost savings for the issuer and can ultimately lead to higher profits.
  • Higher yields: Callable bonds generally offer higher yields than non-callable bonds to compensate investors for the added risk of early redemption. This means that investors can earn a higher return on their investment compared to non-callable bonds.
  • Reduced credit risk: Callable bonds are typically issued by companies with a high credit rating, which means that investors face lower credit risk compared to non-investment grade bonds.


While callable bonds can offer some advantages for investors, there are also several potential drawbacks to consider:

  • Limited upside potential: Callable bonds have a limited upside potential because the issuer can call the bond early and limit the investor's potential gains.
  • Interest rate risk: Callable bonds expose investors to interest rate risk, as issuers tend to call bonds when interest rates are falling. This means that investors may be forced to reinvest their funds at lower interest rates, which can lead to lower returns.
  • Uncertainty: Callable bonds can be called at any time, which creates uncertainty for investors. This uncertainty can lead to increased volatility in the bond's price and can make it difficult for investors to predict their future returns.

Final Thought

In conclusion, callable bonds can offer a unique investment opportunity for investors who are willing to take on some additional risk. While callable bonds may offer higher yields and reduced credit risk compared to non-investment grade bonds, they also come with the potential downside of limited upside potential and interest rate risk. Ultimately, it is important for investors to carefully consider the pros and cons of investing in callable bonds and to determine if they fit within their overall investment strategy. With the right approach, callable bonds can provide investors with a way to earn attractive returns while also managing their risk exposure.

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