History of Union Budget in India Since Independence

India's budgetary journey: 75 full, 14 interim, and 4 special budgets since independence. Each defining an era and shaping economic policies.

Source: Indiabudget.Gov.in

1947 - Pioneering Budget

R.K. Shanmukham Chetty's post-independence budget laid foundations, prioritizing agrarian reforms and allocating 46% to defence.

Source: Indiabudget.Gov.in

1950s-1960s: Industrial Focus

Under C.D. Deshmukh, emphasis on industrialization, the public sector, and the initiation of the Planning Commission. Tax changes, including Wealth Tax introduction.

Source: Indiabudget.Gov.in

1960s-1970s: Green Revolution

Morarji Desai's focus on agriculture led to the Green Revolution. Introduction of Voluntary Disclosure Scheme and tax changes.

Source: Indiabudget.Gov.in

1970s-1980s: Turbulent Times

Turbulent political era; focus on Defence. Tax reforms and India's first demonetization drive in 1978.

Source: Indiabudget.Gov.in

1980s-1990s: Resurgence

Economic challenges in the '80s set the stage for '90s resurgence. Emphasis on public sector, BIFR setup, and tax-saving schemes introduced.

Source: Indiabudget.Gov.in

1990s-2000s: Liberalization

Dr. Manmohan Singh's landmark '91 budget introduced economic liberalization. Embrace of globalisation, NSE formation, and IRDA establishment.

Source: Indiabudget.Gov.in

2000s - Till Date: Modern Transformations

The 2000s saw the IT boom, economic growth, and landmark reforms like GST in 2017. Recent budgets focus on healthcare, infrastructure, and digital initiatives.

Source: Indiabudget.Gov.in