India's Manufacturing Resilience Continues

Manufacturing PMI at 29-Month High Read More>>

Strong Manufacturing Growth

India's manufacturing sector sees continued expansion in November, with the PMI rising to 56.0, up from October's eight-month low of 55.5

Consistent Expansion

November marks the 29th consecutive month above the key level of 50 in the PMI, indicating sustained growth in manufacturing activity

GDP Boost

The PMI data follows a robust 7.6% GDP growth in July-September, showcasing a comprehensive positive trend in India's economic indicators

Inflation Dynamics

S&P Global reports "negligible" input cost inflation in November, reaching its lowest point in a 40-month span. Selling price inflation hits a seven-month low, with less than 7% of manufacturers raising prices

Positive Economic Signals

The manufacturing PMI surge and subdued inflation levels provide policymakers with encouraging signs for economic stability and potential policy adjustments